Why is it called Animal Biomechanical Medicine?
The Association representing Veterinarians, Chiropractors and Osteopaths holding post graduate qualifications in Animal Chiropractic from RMIT University was previously called the Australian Veterinary Chiropractic Association.
Legislation throughout Australia protects the use of the titles “Veterinary”, “Chiropractor” and “Osteopath”. Unless you are a practitioner registered in one of these professions, you cannot use these titles. Although all members of Animal Biomechanical Professionals Australia are registered professionals, it technically contravenes legislation to have members of an association with some of these words in its title, who are not actually members of those professions (pedantic, but true). The old name of the association was causing problems for some members, particularly in some States where the legislation is more stringent. So – we needed to change the name.
There was extensive discussion about possible names – and we finally settled on Animal Biomechanical Medicine for the course and Animal Biomechanical Professionals Australia for the association.
Biomechanical – the application of mechanical principles to living organisms. The study of the action of external and internal forces on the living body, especially the skeletal system. (Wikipedia and Dictionary.com)
Medicine – the science of diagnosing, treating or preventing disease and other damage to the body or mind, encompassing treatment by drugs, diet, exercise and other non surgical means – any non surgical branch of medical science.
So, we are using our detailed knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics to identify and influence the body of an animal which is not functioning normally. We focus on identifying areas of mechanical dysfunction within the body which may be causing clinical signs or affecting athletic performance, and providing physical input which influences the body and facilitates change to a more normal state. Much of the physical input is extremely subtle and works at a neurological level rather than directly promoting physical change – i.e. we are changing the status of the individual’s nervous system to create the more normal function we are looking for.
Our training does not include the use of prescription drugs, as this is covered in veterinary education and requires veterinary registration.