Dr. Amanda Rhodes-Andrew
Dr. Amanda Rhodes-Andrew has been with the Latrobe Veterinary Group since 1990, and as Senior Veterinarian, with extensive surgical experience and expertise, is pivotal to much that occurs behind the scenes.
Dr. Amanda has extensive experience in small animal medicine and surgery, the latter being her main interest. Dr. Amanda has very well developed clinical pathology skills, and takes an important role in training junior staff, as well as performing the odd “handyperson” job around the clinic. Before we ceased large animal work she enjoyed alpacas and was our cow caesarean queen! A very capable lady indeed.
Away from work, Amanda excels as home handyperson, building donkey sheds, chook pens, carports, miles of fences and having a major role in renovating her house. She also spends much time on her bicycles and in the gym, training for the next adventure.